Art Design for VR


  In 2017, I taught students how to create qualified contents for VR applications and asked them to create a piece of VR artwork by themselves individually.  Among all the works below, Dusk on an Alien Planet by Qin Guo, Watch by Guodong Yu and Tomb of the Dragon by Weihong Yang won respectively two 2nd prizes and one 3rd prize of the 2nd Hui Chuang Qing Chun Competition of Innovative Creations by University Students.

▲ 《异星黄昏》by 郭钦 · “Dusk on an Alien Planet” by Qin Guo

▲ 《Watch》 by 余国东 · “Watch” by Guodong Yu

▲ 《色彩森林》by 何纯等 · “Color Forest” by ChunHe et al.

▲ 《寻龙探秘》by 杨巍鸿 · “Tomb of the Dragon” by Weihong Yang

▲ 《机械狩猎者》by 张凡 · “Machine Hunter” by Fan Zhang

▲ 《流动空间》by 何纯 · “Fluid Space” by Chun He

▲ 《玛雅迷踪》by 张子安 · “Relics of Maya” by Zian Zhang


  These works have been integrated into the VRT: VR Art Gallery . Please enjoy.