Virtual Experiment of Film Language


  The Virtual Experiment of Film Language was created in my charge basing on the Virtual Film School project, a national award winner, and was enhanced with a lot of new teaching material and functions. It also became much easier to use and more accessible thanks to the employment of WebGL technology.


  This project was selected by Tongji University as an entry to the competition at province-level and was entitled with Shanghai Educational Virtual Experiment. Then, it was successfully nominated as a candidate of the national competition currently in progress.

▲ 镜头语言理论知识复习 · Section for the review of film language theories

▲ 镜头语言知识自测问卷 · Section for the self-test of film language theories

▲ 专项练习习题 · Section of themed exercises

▲ 虚拟拍摄任务 · Section of virtual film making


  The following video is a brief introduction to the project and you may visit this web page to have a try.  Comments and suggestions are welcome!