A Collection of Games as Graduation Projects
  The following works are the games, interactive narratives and virtual exhibitions created under my supervision as bachelors’ graduation projects in 2024.  Please enjoy.
1. 《小猫大冲锋》· Kitty Crash!
  作者:林尤翔 · Author: Youxiang Lin
  导师:柳喆俊 · Advisor: Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction
  Kitty Crash! is a casual competitive game primarily featuring a top-down shooting gameplay. In the game, you play as a kitten competing with opponents to seize “yarn balls.” The bullets you shoot not only hurt opponents but also move “yarn balls”. When an opponent’s health reaches zero, he temporarily lose the ability to act. When a “yarn ball” is inside a team’s scoring area, it continuously adds points for that team. The objective of the game is not to defeat as many opponents as possible, but to accumulate enough points. As the game progresses, you can obtain different weapons with varying attack and push capabilities. Use them wisely, cooperate with your teammates, interfere with your opponents, and seize control of the “yarn balls”!
▲ 《小猫大冲锋》截图 · Screenshots from Ketty Crash!
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the multi-player party game Kitty Crash!. Please Enjoy.
2. 《财神娘娘呢》· Where is the Godess of Wealth?
  作者:沈静怡 · Author: Jinyi Shen
  导师:陈逸云 柳喆俊 · Advisor: CHEN Yiyun, Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction

  This work is a female-oriented narrative game that intertwines the main storyline of searching for the Goddess of Wealth with various tales about the friendships and financial pursuits of contemporary young women. It depicts the love between female friends and the affection of elders towards the younger generation, trying to present the challenges we face in education, employment, finance, and fame, along with possible solutions. If someone in this world must get rich, I hope it’s all of you, my sisters. The moon embodies the goddess’s divinity; creation and reincarnation are the gifts she has bestowed upon us. Together, we face the oppression of power and the unpredictability of fate. Let’s continue to adventure in this world full of dangers and unknowns, with courage and faith!

▲ 《财神娘娘呢》截图 · Screenshots from Where is the Godess of Wealth
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the narrative puzzle game Where is the Godess of Wealth. Please Enjoy.
3. 《星脑》· Star Brain
  作者:刘一驰 · Author: Yichi Liu
  导师:柳喆俊 陈逸云 · Advisor: Aaron Leo, CHEN Yiyun
  简介 · Introduction
  Star Brain is an interactive narrative experience using VR technology, adapted from an original science fiction novel. The story starts with humanity’s accidental discovery of extraterrestrial life at the microscopic particle scale. This discovery leads to advancements in the development of human-brain-like computers, which make virtual spaces possible and trigger a series of events and conflicts related to the microscopic life forms.
  In this interactive experience, a player plays the role of a lieutenant colonel with a mission in a research institue. As he/she performs his/her duties, he/she gradually uncovers the truth, solves mysteries, and makes decisions. Throughout this experience, a player will explore various sci-fi settings with distinct atmospheres and engage in various interactive actions in VR, such as identity verification, operating an orbital vehicle, controlling holographic screens, and interfacing with brain-machine interface.
▲ 《星脑》截图 · Screenshots from Star Brain
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the narrative VR experience Star Brain. Please Enjoy.
4. 《PIN》
  作者:金怡 · Author: Yi Jin
  导师:柳喆俊 · Advisor: Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction
  In a “fan culture” community, you can often see near-obsessive adoration. While bystanders may see this as irrational behavior, the fans are actually victims under the control of platforms and capital. They invest their hopes and love in their idols, finding solace but instead falling into the traps of neglecting themselves and being forced into consumption. This leads to significant emotional labor and internal emotional exhaustion, making it difficult for them to extricate themselves in the end. This work is based on the song Pin and uses an interactive MV experience to evoke empathy from the audience towards the fan community. Viewers can click to collect “supportive phrases” in the short film to accumulate “fan value”, personally experiencing the predicament fans face as they struggle to break free from their fervent idol-supporting activities.
▲ 《PIN》截图 · Screenshots from PIN
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the interactive MV PIN. Please Enjoy.
5. 《从本有而来》· From Seyn
  作者:袁铨 · Author: Quan Yuan
  导师:柳喆俊 陈逸云 · Advisor: Aaron Leo, CHEN Yiyun
  简介 · Introduction
  By referencing Heidegger’s philosophical divisions from the concept of Being, the conceptual thought process constructed and realized an idea-space-time-game based on new philosophical pathways. This development went through the construction of several initial concepts, deducing their interrelations to form a spatial movement model from the contextual construction of the concepts themselves. It then used the relationships between the spatial bodies of each part as a grasping point, with the interaction modes between the parts spontaneously forming a whole. Another line of development involved incorporating elements of experience and narrative, where players, through first-person perspective integration, interactively engage with the game. This ultimately resulted in a first-person interactive experience game created with a game engine. This design and construction led to the spatial mechanism of an entire virtual world and the player’s experiential flow. Such an idea-space-time-game cannot be defined by conventional game boundaries. Its entire construction logic is born from certain revelations about ontology and even pre-ontology in philosophy, enabling a new interpretation of the game concept. Finally, it explores a new design model trinity between philosophy, aesthetics, and art. The end result is a first-person perspective artistic conceptual experimental game program, presenting a spatial relationship entity suffused with the invisibility of ideas.
▲ 《从本有而来》截图 · Screenshots from From Seyn
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the philosophy game From Seyn. Please Enjoy.
6. 《圆滚滚》· Rolling
  作者:毛一迪 · Author: Yidi Mao
  导师:柳喆俊 · Advisor: Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction
  《圆滚滚》是一款休闲益智类的单人微信小游戏。它的操作独特且极易上手,玩家仅需旋转手机与单指滑动便可以游玩。在游戏中,玩家需要操控一只仓鼠。为了让它成功吃到迷宫终点的奶酪,玩家需要充分利用关卡中的装置,以避开障碍物。若仓鼠在探索的途中与尖刺发生碰撞,则判定为失败。 在操作方式上,玩家需要通过倾斜与旋转手机,来改变游戏中的重力方向,以此间接控制仓鼠的移动。此外,玩家需要单指滑动以旋转画面中心的“正方体”关卡,来更好地观察关卡的不同平面。
  ”Rolling” is a single-player WeChat casual puzzle game. It features unique and highly intuitive controls, where players can play simply by rotating their phone and using a single finger to swipe so as to control a hamster. To successfully guide the hamster to the cheese at the end of the maze, a player must skillfully avoid obstacles in each level. If the hamster rolls over spikes, the game ends in failure. In terms of control, a player need to tilt and rotate his/her phone to change the gravity direction, controlling the hamster’s movement indirectly . Additionally, a player needs to swipe with one finger to rotate the “cube” at the center of the screen to obtain a better view.
▲ 《圆滚滚》截图 · Screenshots from Rolling
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the WeChat mini-game Rolling. Please Enjoy.
7. 《完美着装》· Ideal Dressing
  作者:岳盈盈 · Author: Yingying Yue
  导师:陈逸云 柳喆俊 · Advisor: CHEN Yiyun, Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction
  如今很多女性在出门面见不同对象时,总是努力在穿搭上去迎合对方的审美。她们无意间把他者的凝视内化为自我的规训与PUA,给自己缚上了精神枷锁。由此,社会对女性的规训也被内化成了自我规训。而服饰正是“自我”的外在表达。毕业设计Ideal Dressing从中获取了设计灵感,把象征“身体禁锢”的刑具转化为代表“精神束缚”的服饰,通过设计一款换装游戏完成了概念的转化。
  Nowadays, many women strive to cater to the aesthetic preferences of different individuals when dressing up. Unconsciously, they internalize the gaze of others as self-discipline and PUA, shackling themselves with mental chains. Thus, societal discipline on women becomes self-discipline. Clothing, in turn, is the external expression of the “self.” Ideal Dressing draws design inspiration from this concept, transforming torture instruments for “physical restraint” into clothing that represents “mental bondage.” This transformation is realized through the design of a dress-up game.
  In this game, a player changes the main character’s outfits based on dialogues mentioning different dating partners. In the game, Lola, the main character’s personal dressing preferences often conflict with the likes of her partners. In this process, pursuing her “personally favorite dressing” inflicts her interpersonal relationships and mental values, while consistently catering to others’ preferences transforms her attire into torture instruments. The game attempts to metaphorically depict the dilemma women face between the “gaze of others” and “self-awareness” by placing players in this interactive narrative to deepen their understanding of the contemporary female predicament.
▲ 《完美着装》截图 · Screenshots from Ideal Dressing
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the speculative game Ideal Dressing. Please Enjoy.
8. 《受难曲》· Passion
  作者:王梓桐 · Author: Zitong Wang
  导师:柳喆俊 · Advisor: Aaron Leo
  简介 · Introduction
  Passion is an interactive music experience MV. Based on the song of the same name, “Passion,” it presents an immersive audiovisual feast for the audience through a three-dimensional animated film, utilizing facial capture, eye-tracking, and other technologies to achieve interactivity. The work follows a five-act linear narrative of “Entry – Escape – Suffering – Trial and Decay – Resurrection,” employing a surreal romantic visual style to depict the process of a young girl experiencing, struggling with, and growing from cyberbullying. Various metaphors in the film showcase the author’s profound reflection and deconstruction of the social behavior of cyberbullying, vividly presenting it to the audience with the hope of promoting public awareness and understanding of this social issue.
▲ 《受难曲》截图 · Screenshots from Passion
  Here are the promotional and introductory videos of the interactive MV Passion. Please Enjoy.