Large Screen Drawing App for Events

  这是一款自主开发的大屏幕交互软件,允许使用者通过红外笔与投影幕上的内容进行交互,并且签字、绘画并拍照留念。 此软件曾被用于雅哈咖啡的路演与亚新生活广场的情人节活动。我负责此款软件的设计与编程。

  This was an original interactive screen running on big screens, which allowed a user to interact with dynamic contents in the projection with a infrared pen.  Besides name-signing, drawing, it also had the function of taking a photo for memory.  The software was used in the roadshow by Yaha Coffee® and the celebration of the Valentine’s day organized by Yaxin Plaza®.  I was the designer and programmer of this software.

▲ 雅哈咖啡路演现场及软件截图 · Photos of the Yaha Coffee roadshow and software screenshots

▲ 亚新生活广场情人节活动现场 · The event for Valentine’s Day in Yaxin Plaza


  The following videos show how the application runs in different scenarios. Please enjoy.

▲ 亚新生活广场情人节活动 · The event for Valentine’s Day in Yaxin Plaza

▲ 2007年同济艺传圣诞晚会 · The 2007 X-mas Party of College Arts and Media, Tongji Univ.

▲ 雅哈咖啡路演动画 · Animation for the Yaha Coffee roadshow