为因应当今数字内容产业日新月异的发展,2019年本人调任至同济大学设计创意学院后负责创办并运营“数字动画与数字娱乐实验室”。实验室致力于研究数字媒体技术在影视、娱乐、设计、教育、科研等各个领域的应用,强调理论与实践并重、艺术与科技交融,努力培养学生融会贯通地运用先进理念与前沿技术创造性地解决真实问题的能力。 实验室为师生提供了一流的环境与软硬件设施,支持师生进行包括CG艺术、动画、游戏、虚拟现实、增强现实在内的各类学习、研究与创作。
  The Digital Animation and Entertainment Lab was established in 2019 by me in response to the opportunities and challenges brought by the rapid development of the digital content industry. Our research domain involves motion pictures, entertainment, design, education, research and etcetera, where digital media play an important role. We emphasize both theory and practice as well as the integration of art and technology. Students are trained to think systematically and creatively, and to solve real world problems with advanced concepts and cutting-edge technologies.
  The lab provides a first-class environment and facilities for teachers and students to learn, research and create in the fields of CG art, animation, games, virtual reality, augmented reality and even more.
Click to download the logo and VIS files of the lab