A Thousand Faces


  A Thousand Faces was an interactive installation created by me together with Yunshui Jin, Qin Guo and Guodong Yu.  It participated in the 2015’s Shanghai International Exhibition of Science and Art® held in China Art Palace® (China Pavilion of World Expo 2010®).  The exhibition attracted over a hundred thousand visitors and this installation was very much welcomed and got the Best Creativity Award.

▲ 《千人千面》展览现场 · “A Thousand Faces” at the exhibition

▲ 主创团队与颁奖典礼 · Team members and the award-giving ceremony

▲ 交互装置《千人千面》 · “A Thousand Faces”, an interactive installation

▲ 幕后花絮 · The making of “A Thousand Faces”